
Useful properties of Granola

Probably the world of Hollywood stars is not the most enlightened society in the world. But often there are interesting people and cutting-edge ideas. For example, almost all Hollywood celebrities prefer Granola for breakfast.

While studying in America, one guy had Granola for breakfast. To save money, and also because of laziness, not to get up early. I bought a pack of Granola, poured it into a cup, filled it with yogurt and ate it. So, he noticed that he began to feel better, some vigor appeared, he even became slimmer, although he wasn’t  hungry during the day.

Healthy eating mainly consists in the special preparation of oats for Granola. They are sintered from rolled oatmeal, i.e. whole grain is not crushed, not ground, but only flattened, retaining its molecular structure. This is what is of great benefit to the body.

Oatmeal is a low-calorie dietary product, but in terms of fullness with vitamins and useful microelements, it is a champion among other cereals. The main advantages of oatmeal are energizing the body, helping in proper digestion, as well as preventing serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other fillers can be added to Granola according to taste and desire, but the presence of good honey, quality nuts and properly dried fruits is a must. This combination provides the body with vitamins and fiber as much as possible, but does not contain excess sugar, trans fats and preservatives. The heat treatment mode is selected in such a way as to preserve all the most useful in natural products. Such a healthy breakfast is easy for digestion, speeds up metabolism, saves time and resources.

More about our Granola on the main page granola.com.ua

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